Homeschooling Fathers
A look at the experiences of homeschooling fathers, along with their tips and ideas.
Homeschooling Fathers
What Dads Can Do In Homeschooling
Although it seems that the majority of the responsibility of homeschooling falls to mothers, there are many fathers who participate in their family's homeschooling to varying degrees. From dads who help teach science or take the kids on field trips to fathers who do all the teaching while his wife is the breadwinner, fathers have many roles to choose from when a family is homeschooling.
Getting Dads Involved in Homeschooling
Ever wonder how dads can get involved in homeschooling? Carlie Kercheval and Kirsten Joy Torrado, bloggers of iHomeschool Network, along with Devina Dabney, discuss how dad can get involved.
Extending the Role
Most folks assume homeschooling dads go off to work each day while moms stay home to teach the kids. For many families, that's certainly the case. However, there's a new breed of homeschooling dads: those not satisfied being merely an observer. They don't want to come home from work and ask what Johnny learned today -- they want to be a part of that learning experience and learn it with him. These fathers are fostering a love of learning in their kids, and rediscovering it for themselves.
Resources for Homeschooling Fathers
Secret Society of Unschooling Dads (SSUD)
This group is for Unschooling Dads, Granddads, and Dads-to-be who have attended one of the past 3 Live and Learn Conferences OR who have spouses who attended one of these conferences. Other unschooling fathers (et al.) can also join the group through invitation. Our intention is to keep a running dialog and passion for unschooling our children between conferences.
Fatherville is a website resource for fathers and about fathers and the rewards of fatherhood. The purpose of this site is to provide articles and essays that will encourage men to become better fathers through the exchange of ideas that can take place in an online environment. They have a section on homeschooling fathers.
Dads and Daughters
Dads and Daughters is the national advocacy nonprofit for fathers and daughters. DADs inspires fathers to actively and deeply engage in the lives of their daughters and galvanizes fathers and others to transform the pervasive cultural messages that devalue girls and women.
Homeschool Dads
This website is full of articles, information, and support for fathers who are homeschooling their children.
Unschooling Dads
This list is a place for unschooling dads. Whether you're an advocate, long-time unschooler, novice, or somewhere in the middle, you're welcome here. This list is for dads only. is the searchable online reference, resource and network for Stay At Home Dads (SAHD) and their families. The site provides dads with a searchable collection of articles and media clips written by, for, and about primary care-giving fathers. It also hosts multiple web sites for at home dads, including independent SAHD groups and several local Dad-to-Dad chapters, all of whose missions are to help dads connect with each other in their local areas.
Homeschooling Dads Blogs
Unexpected Liberation: The Home Educating House Dad
This blog chronicles the life and times of a homeschooling father.
Featured Resources
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Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work
Maria Montessori is important background reading for parents considering Montessori education for their children, as well as for those training to become Montessori teachers. The first woman to win a degree as a Doctor of Medicine in Italy in 1896, Maria Montessori's mission to improve children's education began in the slums of Rome in 1907, and continued throughout her lifetime. Her insights into the minds of children led her to develop prepared environments and other tools and devices that ha...
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Flip Over Math Manipulatives
Grades 1-5. Tub of over 500 manipulatives includes Pattern Blocks, Connecting People, Cuisenaire Rods, Coins, and Bean Counters and can be used with the Flip Over Math Books. This 49 page book (others sold separately) is written to NCTM Standards and provide hands on activities from basic math skills to advanced problem solving.
Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.